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Why psychotherapy?

Well, it could be because your partner, friend, loved one or dog has said, "Go figure that out, or I'm outta' here." Maybe you hate your job and cannot figure out what's next. Or you're a card-carrying member of the stay-at-home club. Maybe you watch "Hoarders" to make you feel better about your apartment. Or, okay, got it: I won't mention your family. Maybe everything that I have mentioned above sounds easy because something terrible has happened to you. (I'm sorry.) Or you never, ever want to explain your mental health history again - you just wish you could walk into my office, click "download" and then I would know everything that you need me to know. 


Simply stated, psychotherapy is your entering into a relationship with a professional to better understand what is getting in your way to thriving in life (versus surviving). What makes psychotherapy different than talking to your mom, a friend or your cat is that the psychotherapist only focuses on you - without the "baggage" that comes in other relationships. My job is to listen carefully, think about your history and patterns, and connect these to what's happening now - all with the goal of your suffering less. As much as I tried to ease you into this concept with humor, psychotherapy is hard work, and our work together is taken seriously.

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